Investment Play

This section of the litepaper highlights the different elements and factors that affect the Grow-to-Earn mechanics of the Project Forest app.

Project Forest provides a variety of utilities that can benefit investors looking to contribute to the Project Forest mission through a more hands-off approach. These include:

  • Token Staking: LEAF holders can generate income by staking or locking their tokens in the latter stages of the project to earn additional LEAF tokens. Staking will reduce the token supply in circulation, theoretically increasing the demand for the token.

  • NFT Staking: Players will be able to stake their NFTs and, by doing so, qualify for in-app magical nourishment. All items obtained through NFT staking will be usable in the app.

  • Lending: Players can lend out their in-app assets to the benefit of lenders and borrowers. Through lending, players who do not have time to play regularly can still earn a portion of the rewards. On the other hand, borrowers may not have the funds to buy NFTs but have plenty of time to play and hone themselves with Project Forest’s gameplay.

  • Liquidity pool: One of Project Forest’s goals is to familiarize the community with De-Fi through yield forests, providing players with an engaging way to learn about liquidity pools.

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