Forest Ecological Elements

This section of the litepaper focuses on highlighting the different elements and factors that affect the Grow2Earn mechanics of the Project Forest app.

Tree NFTs in Project Forest imitate the characteristics of real-world trees. Growth conditions such as longitude and latitude, climate, temperature, and other indicators are crucial factors in determining a tree’s growth. As a result, their watering rate, growth times, and yields required for their growth and cultivation will also vary, depending on their in-app and real-world conditions.

  • Trees: There are various tree species in Project Forest with natural attributes and characteristics such as growth cycle, climate requirements, light, and oxygen.

  • Grass and Flowers: The ecosystem of Project Forest displays green grass and various types of wildflowers (vegetation), which will come to the application during the second phase.

  • Small Animals: Different species of animals that exhibit mischievous behaviour will come to the application through special events. These species include monkeys, hares, squirrels, birds, and others. These animals will have unique interactions with the trees in the app.

  • Streams and Pools: Streams and lakes are special features that will be introduced later in Project Forest after the application's launch.

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