Earn rewards while playing Project Forest.
Last updated
Earn rewards while playing Project Forest.
Last updated
Players can earn O2 in Project Forest through trees, as they produce oxygen, with the rate varying from tree to tree. O2 is used to purchase resources from the Consumables Shop and perform numerous actions in the Forest.
Primarily, in the closed beta, O2 is used to unlock additional soil pits, purchase Water and Fertilizer, and Excavate a soil pit. More features and uses of O2 will be unlocked as the project progresses.
The initial capacity of O2 is zero, and the total capacity of the O2 bar keeps increasing with every tree planted. This is the total amount of the O2 storage capacity of all pits. When the total O2 capacity is reached, the exceeding O2 is lost and you cannot store any further O2.
LEAF is one of the other rewards that players will be able to earn by interacting with the app. LEAF will also be generated by trees in special features and events yet to be released as the development milestones are achieved. There are multiple ways to earn LEAF through Project Forest. However, the specifics of them are currently unknown in the closed beta.